Twilight Inspired Names for your Dog
Guys, did you know that I was a hardcore Twihard in high school? I read the book series twice (I never do that!) and fell in love with reading. I even named one of my dogs after a character in the series. But naming dogs unique names from books and TV shows is something I have always done.
With the long-awaited release of Midnight Sun happening tomorrow, I wanted to share some names from the series that would make the perfect name for your dog.
I named one of my dogs Esme. More often than not, I called her Ezzie. She was so incredibly smart. Way too smart for her own good sometimes.
Bella was the main character of the series. The human that fell in love with a vampire. Not sure what to say about this name since it’s not one that I would name a dog, but if you like it, go for it.
Edward or Eddie
Edward is a long name for a dog. It could easily be shortened to Eddie.
Rosalie or Rosie
If you want to name your dong Rosalie, but feel like it’s a mouthful to say when calling them back to the house after their done playing, try Rosie instead. The name is a whole lot easier to say and rolls off the tongue.
Emmett is a good strong name for a large male dog. I could see myself naming a dog after this character. I don’t remember much about the character, but I do remember the actor was born in North Dakota.
Alice is such a delicate sounding name, but the character herself is such a badass. The name would definitely suit a Newfoundland or any puppy.
I honestly don’t remember the character Embry. I had to do a Google search to find out who he was (also got his name from Googling Twilight Characters).
Embry was one of the native kids that turned into a shape-shifting werewolf. Since he was part dog, it would be the perfect name to name your new dog.
I worked with a girl once that named her cat a very human sounding name. Her reasoning was that if dudes asked her out and she didn’t want to go out with them or just not feeling it, she could say she had plans with Vince for the night. That way, no explanation of why was needed and she didn’t sound totally lame saying she had plans with her cat.
I feel like Charlie is one of those names you could absolutely do that and get away with it too.
If you want to name your dog after the Loch Ness Monster, then by all means go for it!
All joking aside, I feel like this would actually be a really great name for a dog. My thing when naming dogs is that they can’t have a name that’s too human. Because what if you meet a human with the same name, awks!
In high school, I told one teacher I named my dog Esme and called her Ezzie and the teacher seemed really offended because her granddaughter’s name was also Esme and they called her Ezzie.
Know anyone that was a Twihard? Share this with them!
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