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  1. Wow, such a great journey! I love your website! I was actually very inspired when you said not be afraid to switch topics! I absolutely love gardening and had a farm for many years. I have compiled so many photo’s and you may have just motivated me to do both. 🙂 I am definitely going to bookmark your garden veggies that are harmful to your dog! Such a great post! (hope you don’t mind if I refer to your post in the future and share it with others!) I also think you have a great niche with Newfoundlanders, they are definitely a XXX large breed. We have a dog that is 160lbs and it is so hard to find bedding and things for even XXlarger dogs! You do have a great niche for dogs that are very large. I can’t wait to see what the new year brings and a question if you have one 🙂 Love the website and I wish you health, safety, and prosperity this coming year!

    1. Thank you so much! 🥰

      It is hard to find things for larger dogs especially breed specific things. So that’s what I’m hoping to do!

      And absolutely on the garden veggies! With the world turning the way it is and more people starting gardens and whatnot, its hugely important to know that stuff! I’ll probably add to it this year too 🙂

      Wishing you a wonderful new year as well!

  2. Thank you for joining the Pet Blogger Journey. I’ve never tried selling shirts or opening a shop. Maybe it’s something I should try this year. I do want to have some apparel for myself so maybe it’s a good time. I’d love to read your post about naming an AKC registered dog. Can you please share the link? I’m glad you shared your answers to this years PBJ questions. I hope you have a great 2021!

  3. Congratulations both on making the switch to your pet blog and also on making sales in your shop! Reading through your journey felt incredibly familiar in many ways. I have another blog that I started with that focuses on Alternative Lifestyle & Outdoor Travel. While I still have it running, I did realize that I was loving writing about dogs more and more as time went on (plus, those were the ‘off-topic’ posts on my blog and yet some of the best performings), so I branched out and started the pet blog. I do still have my other blog and continue to run with it, but there’s something about Shed Happens that just feels ‘right’ lol

    Your blog already looks great and coming into a new site as a blogger with prior experience, I’m sure that it’s going to grow quickly. I can’t wait to see what 2021 brings!

    1. Thank you very much!! I’ll have to search out your travel blog too 🙂 But I definitely agree with the dog blog just feeling “right” haha

      Have a wonderful 2021 🙂

  4. Hi Niki,

    Congratulations on your online shop and newest venture. I think you chose a great niche. I can’t think of anyone that can look at a New Foundland and not fall for them. Even if you don’t want a big dog their happy faces melts your heart. I personally love them but don’t have a house big enough for one to live in.

    I followed you on Instagram. Just love that puppy tummy picture.

    Wishing you the best for this coming year.


    1. Hi Bonnie!

      Thank you! Newfs have been with me basically my whole life and I can’t imagine them not being apart of my life. And like you said, they melt your heart <3 I had to share about them on the internet.

      Thanks for the follow too!

      Wishing you a wonderful 2021 🙂

  5. Congrats on all your success and I love your pics. What a fabulous and fur-bulous breed the Newfs are. I look forward to following along with your blog. I’ve been at this about 11 years and always love getting to know dog bloggers. I will be following along and wish you all the best.

    1. Thank you very much 🙂 🙂 I’m very much looking forward to getting to know people in the dog blogging community and learning from everyone!

  6. Gorgeous dog!!! Congratulations on surviving another blogging year and I wish you all the best this year! I hear ya on the virtual assistant. I so need one but I have no idea what they’d do for me because I have a good system, I just lack the time. I really need to work on this.

    Have a great 2021!!!

    1. Thank you!! Yeah, more time is what I really need, but since we can’t extend the days a VA seems like the next best option! I hope you are able to find some more time in 2021! 🙂

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