My Design for the Newfoundland National Specialty 2025 in Warwick, Rhode Island
Another national specialty dog show next year and another design. I am equally as excited for Rhode Island next year as I am for Duluth this year.
After the defamation and repeated harassment I received over my design for 2024 I will preface this with this is my design. If you are at all confused by this, perhaps you should just stay off the internet.
But why create another design after everything I went through?
I was already in the process of making this design while the harassment was taking place. As a creator and an artist, I couldn’t just leave it sit in my files incomplete. And once it was complete, I couldn’t just keep it to myself.
My Design for the Newfoundland National Specialty
Like my design for Duluth, I’m also really proud of this one. It took a lot of creative thought, tinkering, and tweaking to get it to the final version.

I think my favorite part of the design is the anchor. It ties the whole graphic together and makes it more than just a dog surrounded by some words.
Originally, I wanted to use three tiny anchors to space out the numbers of 2025. When I added them in they made the design look tacky and terrible so I got rid of them.
I still wanted an anchor in the design somewhere though. After playing around with color and placement, this ended up being it.
Inspiration for the Design
My biggest inspiration for this design was lighthouses, the ocean, and coastal motifs.

Being a Great Lakes girl landlocked in a plains state there is something about lighthouses and coastal motifs that instantly make me happy.
Why Am I So Excited for Rhode Island?
Truthfully, the reason has nothing to do with the dogs.
I have been on a mission to visit all 50 states since I was 19. My goal at the time was to hit 50 by the time I turned 20, that obviously didn’t happen, but I did have about 30 some states under my belt at the time and I was convinced I could make it happen. Fast forward to this year and I’ll be turning 30. Still haven’t accomplished my goal of hitting all 50, but I’m really really close.
I currently have three states left to visit and hit my goal.
After Rhode Island, the only states I’ll have left will be Delaware and New Mexico.
Will the Design be Available for Purchase
Yes and no.
This exact design will not be available to purchase directly from the website. There will be a limited amount of shirts printed as you saw in the graphic above and they will be available by special request only.

This is the alternate design without the “Newfoundland National Specialty” on it so I don’t “confuse” those lacking critical thinking skills again. This design will be available as we get closer to the event.
As a sneak peek and spoiler, the shirt mockups will look like this and will be offered in on these three colors.

Another alternate design without any text on the graphic will also be available as we get closer to the event.
Since the defamation that was started earlier this year by members unofficially acting on behalf of the Newfoundland Club of America, I felt the need to add a FAQ section.
While there will be a few answers to actual questions I was asked, most of these are responses to the defaming statements so that on the off chance they come after me again, I can direct them to the post for the answer to their questions.
Will profits from this be donated to the club?
No, profits will not be donated to the club. I make very few sales and the few sales I do make go to offsetting the cost of running this blog. Like showing dogs, blogging is not a cheap hobby to have.
Am I affiliated with the Newfoundland Club of America?
The only way I am affiliated with the organization is by being a member.
If they come after me again, I will make sure everyone in the Newf world knows exactly what kind of people they are and how their participation negatively impacts the club and the breed. I will not be redacting any names next time.
Be an adult. If you’re over 30 you are an adultier adult than me, act like it.
Is this design affiliated with the Newfoundland Club of America?
In case you still happen to be confused, this design is not affiliated with the club. This is something I created on my own because I enjoy graphic design and was inspired by the location.
Is this bootlegging?
Earlier this year I was accused of bootlegging. Such a fun word and quite possibly my favorite accusation of the bunch.
Bootlegging implies something illegal has been done. This is not illegal.
Am I a scammer, fraud, etc?
No, I am not. But all scammers and frauds would say that. I think this site speaks for itself that I am not.
I’m just a girl with a blog that loves Newfoundlands and graphic design.
Am I unethical?
No, I am not.
What’s unethical is allowing the individuals who attacked me to remain members of the club and continue with business as usual as if nothing happened. My interaction with them earlier this year was the first time they have come after me, it is also not the first time they have gone after people they deem as undesirable.
Am I competing with the Newfoundland Club of America?
Not at all.
At the time of writing this, I am a small blogger with a small following compared to the following the club has. My site barely tops 10,000 page views a year as opposed to the probably hundreds of thousands the club gets. I have yet to figure out why they feel threatened by me.
Am I saying Not to support the Newfoundland Club of America?
Not at all.
As I have stated in the past, you are free to support who you choose whether that is one of us, both of us, or neither of us.
Will I do another design for 2026?
Honestly, I don’t know if I will or I won’t. The national specialty will be in Rhode Island again and I’m not sure I’ll attend the same location a second year, I’ll have already checked the state off my list and the amount of money and PTO it takes to do something like the national specialty on the other side of the country hardly seems worth it to me.
The unofficial Newfoundland Club of America representatives have made it abundantly clear they do not want my creative participation in the club or club events unless I further support the club financially by donating my profits.
Something I will not be doing.
During this whole debacle, I took a deep dive into the club’s financials, and it’s safe to say they won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. The club is well funded without my additional financial contribution.
Normally I would say who cares, but this is different because my graphics did bring more notoriety to the event and brought people to it. I supported the club and the event by donating my creative skills and time as an influencer (both of which are not free) by making others aware so they could attend.
I’m not sure I want to continue promoting an event by the club with how I have been treated.
As a creator and influencer, these designs and art are a part of my creative participation in the breed using my unique skillset and talents. Creating unofficial designs to support an event by bringing more notoriety to it is no different than creators on Etsy making unofficial designs about the Super Bowl or Sturgis. Consumers aren’t confused as to who they are supporting.
And one final reminder, this design is copyright-protected. You may not reproduce, use, or make derivative works of this design or anything on Love Newfoundlands without written permission.
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