Dumb Things Stupid People have Asked Me when Flying with a Puppy
As a general rule, I don’t think too highly of the general public. I mean, I try to think better of them, I really do. But then someone does something that causes me to lose all hope. Perhaps it comes from my history of working customer service jobs and dealing with the worst of the worst at times. But dogs are always better than people. In fact, they’re my favorite people. Which is why I write a blog about dogs.
Unfortunately for me, dealing with the general public is just a part of day to day life. Especially when my super part-time unofficial job is delivering puppies to their forever homes. And I swear people in airports are some of the dumbest people around. It’s like they check their brains at the door upon entry. And whatever might have been left was sucked out as they passed through the security checkpoint.

Needless to say, I’ve had some interesting conversations with some really stupid people while traveling with a puppy. I’ve also overheard some really dumb comments about my puppy when they thought I couldn’t hear.
And I’m sharing the stupidity with you guys. I hope you get as good of a laugh out of it as I did.
The Kitty
You most likely have heard a puppy whimper and cry before. Please say yes. If not, a quick YouTube search will help you figure out what it sounds like.
There is no way a puppy whimpering sounds like a kitty. It just doesn’t.

On one particular flight, I was sitting about halfway back on the plane in the aisle seat and the puppy was whimpering and upset. For obvious reasons. The guy sitting in the row behind me and to the right very loudly announces, “she has a kitty!”
Yes, sir. You got that one right. Your preschool and elementary teachers would be so proud.
Just like one time I overheard a man at the zoo in Minneapolis telling his children the giraffes are in fact zebras. But that is a story for a different day.
The Bird
One time, I booked an extended layover in between the route there and home. So I brought my camera gear and an overnight bag with me. Because I had the puppy, that counted as my carry on and they had to take my bags below the passenger cabin for part of the trip there. They gave it back to me on the jet bridge, so I and the other passengers that had their luggage stolen from them were waiting. And my puppy was crying. Again, for obvious reasons.

The man standing in front of me is looking all over toward the ceiling of the jet bridge. And finally turned to me and said, there’s a bird in here, can you hear it?
For the record, there was no bird.
The Bear Cub
While running or even walking through the airport, it is so much easier to take the puppy out of the crate and hold it like a baby over my shoulder.
Obviously, it’s not every day that these people fly (unlike me 😅) and it’s not every day they see a Newfie puppy.
Read More: Essential Items you Need when Flying with a Puppy

Sometimes people will come up to me and say, “Oh my gaaaawwwwd, is that a bear cub?”
When it first started happening I explained to them that it was a Newfoundland puppy. But honestly, where is the fun in that? Now I tell them yes, I work for a zoo and this is a rare long tail bear cub. Or if I have a Landseer puppy, yes, this is a panda cub.
The Evil Death Glares
People suck. Plain and simple.
Some people extra suck.
Like those people that hate children. And the people that hate dogs. And the people that hate all that is good in the world.

So occasionally when the puppies whimper and cry, these extra sucky people give me evil death glares. Like I can magically make the puppy stop. Or they believe they can will me out of existence by staring daggers at me.
They certainly think I ruined their day, which is very clearly written all over their faces.
These are usually the businessmen that think they are God-like with the number of miles they have under their belt. And at first, I’ll admit I was embarrassed and intimidated by them, but now I treat them like a misbehaving dog challenging me and stare right back at them until they look away.
Where Did You Get It?
I don’t know. It just magically appeared under the seat in front of me on the last flight.
Where do people get Newfoundland dogs from?

Try a breeder. The pound. A pet shop (I am not in any way advocating you purchase a dog from a pet shop as the majority of them come from puppy mills and less than reputable breeders, but it is a logical place where you might get a pet).
Have you ever been asked ridiculous questions when you are with your Newfie?

Janis is my almost 5y/o black Newf. I got tired of her being called a bear. This particular day it was “oh look kids she has a bear, it looks like a grizzly”. I could not resist. They were walking a dachshund. So, I replied. Grizzly’s are brown. How long did it take you to leash train your weasel? They walked away.
😂😂 I love your response!